Madman Erdogan of Turkey, Facing Short-Term Military Collapse of His ISIS/Daesh Irregular Army, Shoots Down Russian Warplane Flying Over Syria

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Eyes Measures to Close Turkish-Syrian Border; Says Closure Will Curb Terrorists in Syria; Notes Hollande Told Obama Border Question Is Key to Stopping Flow of Militants and Jihadi Financing; Jarablus Corridor Now at Center of World Attention; This Issue Will Top Putin-Hollande

Putin Condemns Action as “Stab in the Back” by “Accomplices of the Terrorists”; Russian Pilots Killed by Local Terrorists Controlled by Ankara; Turkish Move Is Calculated and Unnecessary Act of War in Violation of International Law; Russian Plane Probably Flying Recon Over Northwestern Syria Zone Where Terrorist Rebels Are Being Routed by Syrian Army and Hezbollah; Turkey Refuses to Contact Moscow but Goes to NATO HQ in Brussels, Seeking to Embroil U.S. and Others; At White House, Obama and French President Hollande Rule Out Escalation; Obama Sees Possible US-Russian Convergence; Kiev Fascist Clique Blows Up Electricity Pylons, Causing Blackouts in Russia’s Crimea; Loyal U.S. Officers Angry at Turkey for Causing a Needless Incident; American People Care Little Who Is President of Syria, but Want ISIS Genocide Cult Destroyed in Civilizade

Incident Took Place in Exact Location Near Kessab/Kassab Which Yesterday’s Briefing Had Identified as Main Hot Spot on Current Battlefield

Monday, November 23, 23:45 hours EST: Hours before the Russian plane was hit, yesterday’s TWSP briefing shows Kessab/Kassab circled in red, as leading flash point in current phase of combat.

Tuesday, November 24, 12:00 hours EST: Hours after the Russian plane is downed, the London Guardian attempts to catch up with TWSP by publishing their own map of the same area with a red circle over the same area – many hours after the TWSP.

So if you want to keep ahead of the news, subscribe to the TWSP/UFAA Daily Briefing!

Tuesday, Nov.24, two Turkish F-16 jet fighters attacked a Russian Sukhoi 24 Fencer aircraft over northern Syria. The Russian plane was most likely on a reconnaissance mission to monitor the extent of the rout being suffered by the terrorist rebel forces on the ground in that area, as the daily briefing of yesterday reported.

Terrorist war criminals surround body alleged to be that of downed Russian pilot in northwest Syria earlier today.
The Turkish action was likely a deliberate and calculated provocation, seeking to mobilize additional support for the Syrian terrorist rebels, who function as a kind of irregular army or private militia for Turkish President Erdogan. As we reported yesterday, it is estimated that a partial military collapse (at minimum) of the rebels in this sector is awaited for late autumn or early winter. Erdogan’s behavior demonstrates this, since the Turkish government did not attempt to clarify the incident with Moscow, but rather turned immediately to the NATO ministerial Council, which met later today. The intent here is clearly yet another bid to drag the United States and other powers in to back up the treachery and adventurism of the Erdogan gang, who are proposing to create a modern version of the Ottoman Empire, starting with territory carved out of Syria. Fortunately, the NATO Council did not go beyond some rhetoric, including the notion that there should be no escalation.

As for the detailed analysis of what happened, Obama repeated that he did not yet have all the information about where the incident had in fact occurred. At the Pentagon, they were saying that it was not clear what had happened. The Pentagon did stress that the United States was not involved in any way.

The Russian plane in question carried a crew of two. They appear to have successfully ejected from their stricken aircraft, but both were the target of heavy small arms fire as their parachutes drifted down onto a wooded and hilly landscape. The terrorist rebels later showed one dead pilot, surrounded by a jeering mass of butchers. The fate of the other pilot is unknown. Russian rescue helicopters were fired on by the local terrorists, and one Russian Marine was killed. The rebel commander boasted of his murderous handiwork, and needs to be brought to justice.

Terrorist rebels firing at Russian airmen who are parachuting from their stricken aircraft: International law expressly forbids such shooting at those escaping aircraft in distress. Therefore this action amounts to a war crime by these rebels.
At the press conference held at noon in the White House by Obama with the French President Hollande, both presidents stressed that any escalation must be avoided. Both presidents also mouthed some ritual boilerplate rhetoric about the need for President Assad to step down, but there was nothing specific proposed in this direction. Hollande stressed his commitment to cooperation with Russia, which would imply a softening of the strident anti-Assad position expressed in recent months by Foreign Minister Fabius of the Quai d’Orsay.

On the whole, if we discount the ritual litanies recited to protect vested interests, this press conference could have been much worse. A Trump, a Cruz, a Carson or some other desperate demagogue might have catapulted things all the way to World War III by spouting lunatic Republican Party rhetorical formulas.

Today’s events illustrate why the NATO alliance is not a source of security to the United States, but rather a clear and present danger. Under the North Atlantic Pact of 1949, the United States is theoretically obligated to come to the assistance of madman Erdogan if he succeeds in goading Russia into some kind of military retaliation. Right now the chances of that might be relatively modest, but they need to be multiplied by the existential threat which is now posed to too many countries by the Syrian conflagration. Obama ought to issue a stern ultimatum to Erdogan to back off, and to accept the verdict of the battlefield for his ISIS puppets. Turkey will do just fine within its current borders, without annexing an inch of Syrian territory. Obama should also declare that Article 5 of the NATO treaty will not be operative in cases of aggression by a NATO member state, such as Turkey (or Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, or any others) against a NATO non-member state such as Russia.

It is also time to rein in the Ukrainian dictator Poroshenko, who has either caused or failed to prevent the blowing up of some electricity pylons whose loss has deprived parts of Russian Crimea of electric current. The Ukrainian complaints against Russia in the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine are dead letters, nonstarters, and of no interest whatsoever to the American people. President Hollande will now proceed to Moscow, where he will seek to intensify cooperation with Putin. If France can serve as the link between the US-led coalition on the one hand, and the Russian-Iranian-Hezbollah- Syrian combination on the other, this would be a positive development. What is needed is a comprehensive worldwide coalition to wage a civilizade (or struggle for the preservation of civilization itself).
Clearing the terrorist forces from Latakia province and the rest of Northwest Syria is an important precondition for the main event, which is to knock out ISIS once and for all. To make ISIS wither on the vine, it is necessary to close the 100 km (60 mile) corridor between Jarablus on the west bank of the Euphrates River and the area of Efrin in Syria. It is through this portal that pass the Turkish deliveries of ammunition, food, spare parts, medical supplies, and brainwashed recruits which are required for the ISIS war effort. If these Turkish deliveries cease, ISIS will collapse within a matter of weeks. This is the task which must be addressed now, including for the purpose of mitigating the European refugee crisis. We urge Obama, Putin, and Hollande, plus Merkel of Germany and Renzi of Italy (whom Hollande will visit soon) to get down to business and interdict the Jarablus corridor.
