Akademische Allianz linker Antisemiten mit den Muslimbrüdern

Bewegung der Israelbasher und -boykotteure gewinnt an Boden

Backgrounder: The BDS Movement

June 1, 2016
Middle East Forum President Daniel Pipes joined an estimated 2,000 diplomats, public officials, journalists, and other opinion makers from around the world at a special conference on the delegitimization of the State of Israel at the United Nations headquarters in New York.
The unprecedented nature and size of the conference, entitled "Building Bridges, Not Boycotts," befits the scope of this growing problem. Founded nearly 11 years ago, the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS) seeks to lobby governments, companies, universities, artists, and others to sever ties with Israel. Supporters say that Israel alone should be singled out among the nations of the world for its alleged human rights abuses and violations of international law.
Opponents say BDS has nothing to do with actual Israeli transgressions and is "not about helping the Palestinians or bringing peace," as Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Danny Danon remarked in his address to the conference. Its "only goal is to bring an end to the Jewish state ... BDS is the true face of modern anti-Semitism." As MEF fellows Alexander H. Joffe and Asaf Romirowsky explain, the BDS movement in the West is propelled by "an unholy alliance of far-left organizations and Muslim Brotherhood-backed Islamists," centered primarily in universities and unions.
According to a new poll, a third of Americans now think boycotting Israel is 'justified.'Palestinian Ambassador Riyad Mansour boasted that conference is an "admission" that Israel is "losing ground at American universities and colleges to BDS," and he's right. In fact, the BDS movement has continued to make advances on U.S. campuses, winning 12 of 26 BDS referendums last year, as well as a Middle East Studies Association (MESA) resolution lauding "calls for [anti-Israel] institutional boycott, divestment, and/or sanctions" as "legitimate forms of non-violent political action."
There were also notable BDS failures, such as at Bowdoin College and the American Historical Association, where MEF fellow Jeffrey Herf helped lead the battle to defeat anti-Israel resolutions last year. But a new poll shows that a third of Americans now think boycotting Israel is "justified." mehr:  http://www.meforum.org/6043/backgrounder-bds
Auch die deutschen Medien sind rundum links-antiisraelisch imprägniert. Im Deutschlandfunk führen die Systemhuren Interviews mit Vertretern Israels in der Tonart von strengen VerhörenDie Hofschranzen des proislamischen Asylwahnregimes verharmlosen den Dauerterror gegen Israel zur Reaktionen auf "Perspektivlosigkeit". Die pure Existenz Israels ist die Provokation für die deutschen Islamkriecher,  die die mörderischen Attacken der moslemischen Messerstecher und Menschenmetzger  verständlich machen soll. So ist der Merkel-Lakai Röttgen  bemüht, die Mordanschläge von Moslems auf Israelis als von Israel verursacht darzustellen.  Wer durch die Merkelmangel gedreht wurde, kommt als Waschlappen heraus. Das Interview:    
