Der "Turning Torso" in Malmö von der dänischen Ostseeküste aus gesehen. Aufgenommen von Mathias Kp im Februar 2016 mit einer Canon Powershot SX60 HS. Musik: Klaus Weiland. Originalvideo:
Description: "In this video I zoom in on the building Turning Torso (190m/623ft) from several different distances 25km/15.5mi to 47.9km/29.7mi. In the end at the distance of 47.9km/29.7mi I change the height from 1.5m/5ft to 16m 54ft.
Comparison of my observations with what should be expected on a sphere with the radius 6371km/3959miles can be seen here: The footage where all taken on the 26th of february 2016 with a Canon Powershot SX60 HS
In each shot the location is shown with lat/lon GPS coordinates on my phone." (Mathias Kp